Tabulates frequencies for one or more categorical variable, including relative, and cumulative frequencies.

tab_frequencies(data, ...)



a tibble


Variables to tabulate


a tibble

See also

Other categorical: crosstab()


WoJ %>% tab_frequencies(employment)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 5 #> employment n percent cum_n cum_percent #> <chr> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> #> 1 Freelancer 172 0.143 172 0.143 #> 2 Full-time 902 0.752 1074 0.895 #> 3 Part-time 126 0.105 1200 1
WoJ %>% tab_frequencies(employment, country)
#> # A tibble: 15 x 6 #> employment country n percent cum_n cum_percent #> <chr> <fct> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> #> 1 Freelancer Austria 16 0.0133 16 0.0133 #> 2 Freelancer Denmark 85 0.0708 101 0.0842 #> 3 Freelancer Germany 29 0.0242 130 0.108 #> 4 Freelancer Switzerland 10 0.00833 140 0.117 #> 5 Freelancer UK 32 0.0267 172 0.143 #> 6 Full-time Austria 165 0.138 337 0.281 #> 7 Full-time Denmark 275 0.229 612 0.51 #> 8 Full-time Germany 139 0.116 751 0.626 #> 9 Full-time Switzerland 154 0.128 905 0.754 #> 10 Full-time UK 169 0.141 1074 0.895 #> 11 Part-time Austria 26 0.0217 1100 0.917 #> 12 Part-time Denmark 16 0.0133 1116 0.93 #> 13 Part-time Germany 5 0.00417 1121 0.934 #> 14 Part-time Switzerland 69 0.0575 1190 0.992 #> 15 Part-time UK 10 0.00833 1200 1