Computes t-tests for one group variable and specified test variables. If no variables are specified, all numeric (integer or double) variables are used. A Levene's test will automatically determine whether the pooled variance is used to estimate the variance. Otherwise the Welch (or Satterthwaite) approximation to the degrees of freedom is used.

  var.equal = TRUE,
  paired = FALSE,
  pooled_sd = TRUE,
  levels = NULL,
  case_var = NULL,
  mu = NULL



a tibble or a tdcmm model


group variable (column name) to specify where to split two samples (two-sample t-test) or which variable to compare a one-sample t-test on


test variables (column names). Leave empty to compute t-tests for all numeric variables in data. Also leave empty for one-sample t-tests.


this parameter is deprecated (previously: a logical variable indicating whether to treat the two variances as being equal. If TRUE then the pooled variance is used to estimate the variance otherwise the Welch (or Satterthwaite) approximation to the degrees of freedom is used. Defaults to TRUE).


a logical indicating whether you want a paired t-test. Defaults to FALSE.


a logical indicating whether to use the pooled standard deviation in the calculation of Cohen's d. Defaults to TRUE.


optional: a vector of length two specifying the two levels of the group variable.


optional: case-identifying variable (column name). If you set paired = TRUE, specifying a case variable will ensure that data are properly sorted for a dependent t-test.


optional: a number indicating the true value of the mean in the general population (\(\mu\)). If set, a one-sample t-test (i.e., a location test) is being calculated. Leave to NULL to calculate two-sample t-test(s).


a tdcmm model


WoJ %>% t_test(temp_contract, autonomy_selection, autonomy_emphasis)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 12
#>   Variable M_Permanent SD_Permanent M_Temporary SD_Temporary Delta_M     t    df
#> * <chr>      <num:.3!>    <num:.3!>   <num:.3!>    <num:.3!> <num:.> <num> <dbl>
#> 1 autonom…       3.910        0.755       3.698        0.932   0.212 1.627    56
#> 2 autonom…       4.124        0.768       3.887        0.870   0.237 2.171   995
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: p <num:.3!>, d <num:.3!>, Levene_p <dbl>, var_equal <chr>
WoJ %>% t_test(temp_contract)
#> # A tibble: 11 × 12
#>    Variable     M_Permanent SD_Permanent M_Temporary SD_Temporary Delta_M      t
#>  * <chr>          <num:.3!>    <num:.3!>   <num:.3!>    <num:.3!> <num:.> <num:>
#>  1 autonomy_se…       3.910        0.755       3.698        0.932   0.212  1.627
#>  2 autonomy_em…       4.124        0.768       3.887        0.870   0.237  2.171
#>  3 ethics_1           1.568        0.850       1.981        0.990  -0.414 -3.415
#>  4 ethics_2           3.241        1.263       3.509        1.234  -0.269 -1.510
#>  5 ethics_3           2.369        1.121       2.283        0.928   0.086  0.549
#>  6 ethics_4           2.534        1.239       2.566        1.217  -0.032 -0.185
#>  7 work_experi…      17.707       10.540      11.283       11.821   6.424  4.288
#>  8 trust_parli…       3.073        0.797       3.019        0.772   0.054  0.480
#>  9 trust_gover…       2.870        0.847       2.642        0.811   0.229  1.918
#> 10 trust_parti…       2.430        0.724       2.358        0.736   0.072  0.703
#> 11 trust_polit…       2.533        0.707       2.396        0.689   0.136  1.369
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: df <dbl>, p <num:.3!>, d <num:.3!>, Levene_p <dbl>,
#> #   var_equal <chr>
WoJ %>% t_test(employment, autonomy_selection, autonomy_emphasis,
  levels = c("Full-time", "Freelancer"))
#> # A tibble: 2 × 12
#>   Variable `M_Full-time` `SD_Full-time` M_Freelancer SD_Freelancer Delta_M     t
#> * <chr>        <num:.3!>      <num:.3!>    <num:.3!>     <num:.3!> <num:.> <num>
#> 1 autonom…         3.903          0.782        3.765         0.993   0.139 1.724
#> 2 autonom…         4.118          0.781        3.901         0.852   0.217 3.287
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: df <dbl>, p <num:.3!>, d <num:.3!>, Levene_p <dbl>,
#> #   var_equal <chr>
WoJ %>% t_test(autonomy_selection, mu = 3.62)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 9
#>   Variable               M    SD CI_95_LL CI_95_UL    Mu     t    df        p
#> * <chr>              <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 autonomy_selection  3.88 0.803     3.83     3.92  3.62  11.0  1196 6.10e-27