Computes correlation coefficients for all combinations of the specified variables. If no variables are specified, all numeric (integer or double) variables are used.

correlate(data, ..., method = "pearson", partial = NULL, with = NULL)



a tibble or a tdcmm model


Variables to compute correlations for (column names). Leave empty to compute for all numeric variables in data.


a character string indicating which correlation coefficient is to be computed. One of "pearson" (default), "kendall", or "spearman"


Specifies a variable to be used as a control in a partial correlation. By default, this parameter is set to NULL, indicating that no control variable is used in the correlation. If used, with must be set to NULL (default).


Specifies a focus variable to correlate all other variables with. By default, this parameter is set to NULL, indicating that no focus variable is used in the correlation. If used, partial must be set to NULL (default).


a tdcmm model


WoJ %>% correlate(ethics_1, ethics_2, ethics_3)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 6
#>   x        y            r    df        p     n
#> * <chr>    <chr>    <dbl> <int>    <dbl> <int>
#> 1 ethics_1 ethics_2 0.172  1198 2.04e- 9  1200
#> 2 ethics_1 ethics_3 0.165  1198 8.44e- 9  1200
#> 3 ethics_2 ethics_3 0.409  1198 1.05e-49  1200
WoJ %>% correlate()
#> # A tibble: 55 × 6
#>    x                  y                        r    df         p     n
#>  * <chr>              <chr>                <dbl> <int>     <dbl> <int>
#>  1 autonomy_selection autonomy_emphasis  0.644    1192 4.83e-141  1194
#>  2 autonomy_selection ethics_1          -0.0766   1195 7.98e-  3  1197
#>  3 autonomy_selection ethics_2          -0.0274   1195 3.43e-  1  1197
#>  4 autonomy_selection ethics_3          -0.0257   1195 3.73e-  1  1197
#>  5 autonomy_selection ethics_4          -0.0781   1195 6.89e-  3  1197
#>  6 autonomy_selection work_experience    0.161    1182 2.71e-  8  1184
#>  7 autonomy_selection trust_parliament  -0.00840  1195 7.72e-  1  1197
#>  8 autonomy_selection trust_government   0.0414   1195 1.53e-  1  1197
#>  9 autonomy_selection trust_parties      0.0269   1195 3.52e-  1  1197
#> 10 autonomy_selection trust_politicians  0.0109   1195 7.07e-  1  1197
#> # ℹ 45 more rows
WoJ %>% correlate(ethics_1, ethics_2, ethics_3, with = work_experience)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 6
#>   x               y              r    df             p     n
#> * <chr>           <chr>      <dbl> <int>         <dbl> <int>
#> 1 work_experience ethics_1 -0.103   1185 0.000387       1187
#> 2 work_experience ethics_2 -0.168   1185 0.00000000619  1187
#> 3 work_experience ethics_3 -0.0442  1185 0.128          1187
WoJ %>% correlate(autonomy_selection, autonomy_emphasis, partial = work_experience)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 7
#>   x                  y                 z                 r    df         p     n
#> * <chr>              <chr>             <chr>         <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl> <int>
#> 1 autonomy_selection autonomy_emphasis work_experie… 0.637  1178 3.07e-135  1181
WoJ %>% correlate(with = work_experience)
#> Warning: At least one of work_experience and country is not numeric, skipping computation.
#> Warning: At least one of work_experience and reach is not numeric, skipping computation.
#> Warning: At least one of work_experience and employment is not numeric, skipping computation.
#> Warning: At least one of work_experience and temp_contract is not numeric, skipping computation.
#> # A tibble: 10 × 6
#>    x               y                         r    df             p     n
#>  * <chr>           <chr>                 <dbl> <int>         <dbl> <int>
#>  1 work_experience autonomy_selection  0.161    1182 0.0000000271   1184
#>  2 work_experience autonomy_emphasis   0.155    1180 0.0000000887   1182
#>  3 work_experience ethics_1           -0.103    1185 0.000387       1187
#>  4 work_experience ethics_2           -0.168    1185 0.00000000619  1187
#>  5 work_experience ethics_3           -0.0442   1185 0.128          1187
#>  6 work_experience ethics_4           -0.116    1185 0.0000602      1187
#>  7 work_experience trust_parliament   -0.00941  1185 0.746          1187
#>  8 work_experience trust_government   -0.0708   1185 0.0146         1187
#>  9 work_experience trust_parties      -0.0454   1185 0.118          1187
#> 10 work_experience trust_politicians  -0.00976  1185 0.737          1187